Open the door with your Smile
Smiley Tower Features:
- Free-standing Smile Detector machine.
- Industry leading high performance camera HD 1080p, CarlZeiss optics with 20-stepautofocus with clear and tamper resistant glass.
- Industrial PC for High performance.
- Reliable smile detector Machine with < 2 Seconds Response.
- Ability to provide reports.
- Can read full face details even with spectacles on.
- Ability to define Gender.
- Detects facial expressions of customers who want to enter, once customer smiles.
- USB Export option available.
- Smile threshold can be defined in application. Each smile meeting threshold will trigger gate to open.
- Automatic low-light correction is available on the camera.
- Glasses or hair won’t affect the result.
- Face to camera is enough to capture smile, position and appearance of user will not affect system at all.
- System is capable of detecting multiple faces & facial expression recognition at a time.
Images will be automatically transferred to server through a file transfer engine. - Ideal for retailers, banks, brands, manufacturers and more.