Smart Jawdah
Quality Monitoring & Enhancement Solution.
Product Description:
Smart Jawdah is the result of many years of experience, research and hard work which incorporated many key factors of quality controls and to offer unique, of exceptional solution to organizations where CRM needs to be unmistakable. To refine the quality of how a customer service representative deals customer, you need to have Smart Jawdah.
With our promise to your promising future, Smart Jawdah comes to offer you audio and video recording of how a CSR is behaving to a customer. It gives wide range of reporting modules to monitor interaction between customer and CSR, evaluate performance of CRM staff or a store or a region. Supervisors can create a questionnaire to be dispatched by system to CSRs to evaluate their level of knowledge. Smart Jawdah has much more to offer so to alleviate customer experience to unbeatable by competitors.
What does Smart Jawdah offer:
- Monitor CSR and customer interaction
- Analyze Audio & Video Recording of Interaction
- Analyze Attitude of an agent towards work & customer
- Live Monitoring (Screen capture) of workstation of agent
- Performance of Customer Service Representative
- Evaluate Level of knowledge of CSR
- Survey Module to get feedback from Store/Area Managers
- Survey Module to give feedback to an agent/store/Area Managers
- Violation notifications to Store/Area Managers
- Productivity and Performance Reports
- Overall Transaction Reports,
- Customizable KPIs
- User Managements
- Integration to 3rd party QMS and CRM Systems
- Export Reports in PDF, Excel and word
How can companies benefits?
- Analyze Enhance Quality
- Better Customer Experience
- Easy conflict resolution using audio/Video Recordings
- Improved Performance of CSR agents and Stores Increased Productivity
- CSR Appreciation & Motivation Enhancement